Race 2 Retire


Lets GO Cowboys

Its Halftime in the Sunday Night Football Game with the 49ers vs Dallas Cowboys

Score 7-21

We meet our Neighbor today at the office and she loved all the goodies we have. She said she is just adding to her office. I went $1.00 shopping today at Goodwill and Savers. You can never have enough Customers for Halloween & work shirts fpr overnights. The Newsletter will be coming out soon due to SPoky deals coming soon. I need to start my Santa list soon because all the XMAS Decor is at Home Depot. I need to save at least $500 for the holidays and the Big Christmas party!

Collectible markets are crazy and the best way to check is going to your local 2nd hand store. Great finds and just keep shoppng on a budget.

The Game is back and Lets Go Gowboys!

Pete Gilman